The information gathered from this test is a wonderful complement to Naturopathic care. Our live cell analysis assists many referring Naturopathic Health Practitioners in developing a unique and focused treatment plan for each patient.
Many Naturopathic doctors and practitioners have enhanced their patient care by combining live blood testing with nutritional and naturopathic treatment. These tests provide each referring practitioner with a very detailed report as to what our findings are in the blood.
Each visit is 45 minutes when referred from an outside practitioner. Together with your patient, we view their blood smear and examine what is causing the root of the issue. Every client you refer to our lab will receive handouts, an exam form, and photos of their blood. As this is such a visual explanation, you will see and get results from your patients.
Your client will see the progress they are making through 15 minute follow up visits. This is motivating and assists the Naturopathic Doctor in obtaining the best results.
We strive to have professional and affordable live cell testing for many practitioners that refer our service. We would love to give you the data you require to heal your patients and enhance your reputation in the medical field.
Live and layered blood cell analysis is non-diagnostic.
Below are some naturopathic doctors and practitioners who use live blood and the results, to help get the data they need.